Clubmans Championship
Points will be awarded for all BPMC events entailing the use of a car.
Points are awarded according to the formula.
- Points are awarded according to finishing position in class or if there are no classes, by overall finishing position.
- Non finishers are included in number of starters and will be classed as finishing in last position.
- For tied positions, points are averaged for the number tied (eg if 2 entrants tie for 4th place, then each is given position 4½).
- The first signed-on passenger scores for Navigation Exercises, Navigation Scatters, Treasure Hunts. For the Test Day organisers points only will be awarded.
- For club events such as Touring Assemblies, Test Days etc where no result is declared members who enter will receive 2 bonus point towards the Clubmans championship. Qualifying events are defined by the club committee.
- Points will no longer be awarded for Organising or Marshalling which will be recognised separately in the Marshals Championship, however note that in order to be classified in the final championship results entrants must have marshalled or organised an event.
Awards are given to the first three in the end of year standings. In the event of a tie it will be decided by the following criteria
- The person who has marshalled or organised the most events
- The most 1st place positions, followed by most 2nd place and so on
Marshals Championship
Trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be presented based on organising & marshalling.
3 points will be awarded to event organisers
2 points will be awarded to marshals
1 points will be awarded for setting up an event on the day before an event
- Event organisers points will be awarded to those who organise any club event including non-competitive events including Navigation Events, Treasure Hunts, or who act as Clerk of the Course, Secretary of Meeting or Entries Secretary.
- Should an event be cancelled due to circumstances beyond the organisers control, points will still be awarded.
Championship Officials Co-ordinator: Tim Murray (,
Stewards: The Club Vice Presidents